Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bust ass Battery

Yesterday was a pretty great day up until train time.

I volunteered at wild bird rehab, like usual. There I spoke with 3 ladies at least 60 years old each, who are spunky, thoughtful, and incredibly informed. They was to bring down towers for cell phones and HD t.v. and they love gardening and hate oil. I love it. I love them.

I came home and wanted to bake bread, then realized that i needed flour to do that. Baking bread is a great skill to have. The price of grain just keeps going up. Plus, when I read the label on the package of bread, and can't pronounce half the ingredients then I know it's probably not something that I really want to put into my body. So, i walked to the store and bought two 5 lb bags of flour (which were unbleached and on sale) and then decided that it would be a fantastic idea to get an 18 lb bag of cat food as well. I looked like someones trunk carrying all that home on my back.

I baked some flax bread which did not turn out as tasty as I'd hoped. Maybe next time. I also tried making yogurt Tuesday night but it didn't set up quite right.

Then I walked in the park with Jake all the way from my house to kingshighway. it was good to hang out with him.

I had to rush home to pick Scott up from the train station. Chicago of course can't get their shit together so the train coming in was an hour late. And after nearly a half hour of sitting in my car listlessly listening to devo, the battery to my car died. I threw a fit. Even though I hate that car, or any car for that matter. We had to call 5 people to find someone with jumper cables and spare time. Then that battery still wouldn't start. So we got a ride home.

None of this has anything to do with my goals for writing but eh, what canSaved you do?

I also want to try making some kombucha.
yum huh?

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