Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am saying yes

I am saying yes now. Yes to new things, to things that I want to do, haven't done, haven't thought of doing. As soon as I'm done being sick I'm going to continue. I might as well take this time when everything is topsy turvy and turn it semi-straight by letting myself at least feel free.
I will still look for a new job, but I might as well have fun in the mean time.
I am envious of Patrick's train trip westward. The camping the biking around beautiful Washington. But it will be so good for him I am proud for that.
I miss Pat as well. His Alaska adventure has been a long one. Maybe I will go with him next year.
It's easy to feel like everyone around me is moving and moving and changing and I'm standing still. But I'm learning to say yes to myself, and that's something.

My fist time looking at this site : ... a website dedicated to making clothing for people too lazy to make their own stencils.
Most days I can't help hating everyone.

I feel the need to go on a rant. So this is what I'll talk about : . I think there are a lot of ways that being a cyclist can be a form of personal protest. I am a cyclist and I feel that it does a lot for me personally. Riding around naked is an excuse to ride around naked. It's not a way to protest global dependence on oil. Plus do these people really think that riding their bikes once a year is going to stop our oil addicted, self centered culture from getting its fix? to top it all off, most people were not naked. The girls who organized the ride (two girls from Wash-U who are probably majoring in humanities or some liberal art bullshit) said on the news "we will not be nude because we want to comply with the police". To protest is to go against the system that oppresses you. They create rules to get you to comply to keep you from actually making a point. If you're following their rules, then you've given them the power. Dumb idiots.

1 comment:

Jessica said...